Professional Trader Terms
TTG Capital Limited
Effective date: 1st January 2025
Short heading goes here
Clearing Structure & Standard Terms (1 January 2025)
Your ongoing and future provision of services toTTG and continuing utilisation of TTG's services will amount to your acceptance of these terms.
Summary of Our Agreement
TTG Capital Limited (“TTG”, “us”, “we” or “Firm”) and you (including any corporate vehicle utilised or associated with distribution of your trading profits) have entered into these standard regulatory terms (“RGA”) to ensure the on-going compliance by you and all traders currently working with or otherwise operating through TTG under a contract for service (including any corporate vehicles utilised or associated with distribution of trader trading profits) (together “TTG Traders”).
We shall grant you, a TTG Trader, on an individual basis, by way of duly authorised grant, authority to trade on TTG’s behalf with our Clearer as a Registered Trader in order for you to have direct connectivity to certain agreed trading exchanges.
In conjunction with Clearer and pursuant to the terms of the Clearing Agreement we act as principal in all trading activities and not as agent on your behalf. All transactions shall be executed in the name of Clearer or TTG, but you acknowledge that any recourse by you (or any corporate entity you utilise) is to TTG only and not to any Clearer who shall have no direct responsibility to you (or any corporate entity you utilise).
You confirm that you (or any corporate entity you utilise) act as principal and not as an agent (or trustee) on behalf of anyone else.
Clearer Documentation
A material term of this contract is you (or any corporate entity you utilise) entering into and complying with TTG’s and Clearer’s current take-on procedures and associated documents, including without limitation declarations as to your professional status and experience and confirmation of compliance with all relevant exchanges rules and legislation, including without limitation Market Abuse and Insider Dealing legislation that may be in force from time to time.
Designated Accounts
TTG shall open accounts in its name with Clearer the number and reference of which we shall allocate to you (or any corporate entity you utilise) and you shall be allocated a specified subaccount (together the “Designated Accounts”). Notwithstanding that the Designated Accounts are in the name of TTG and the funds therein in the full legal and beneficial ownership of TTG, subject to any separate Special Terms agreed between us, you (including any corporate entity you utilise), agree that you personally shall remain responsible and primarily liable for all Trading Losses (as defined below) arising within or associated the Designated Accounts and any margin calls made by Clearer or TTG upon the same.
Initial Margin
TTG shall agree with you from time to time the level of initial margin which TTG requires from you (or any corporate entity you utilise) and shall apply an equivalent sum against the Designated Accounts – you (or any corporate entity you utilise) have agreed to transfer all such initial margin and any further such advances made by you (whether via accrued profit from trading activities or otherwise) by way of full legal title transfer to TTG.
Margin Requirement and Minimum Balance
TTG shall regularly notify to you its on-going margin requirement and also request from you the maintenance of an aggregate minimum balance across the Designated Accounts, i.e., below which you may be limited in your ability to make draw down requests. Should the aggregate balance of the Designated Accounts (excluding any margin requirement) fall below any amount we have agreed with you then you (or any corporate entity you utilise) will either be required to supply additional funds to the level of the initial margin, or TTG will reserve the right to suspend trading activities, renegotiate terms, or terminate the Agreement, in each case immediately and without further notice.
Trading Parameters
Before you commence utilising the Designated Accounts we shall agree the trading parameters through which you (or any corporate entity you utilise) are authorised –via designated authority or power of attorney- to trade, which shall be reviewed regularly. TTG reserves the right in its absolute discretion to vary or withdraw any trading permissions at any time including without limitation the suspension or closure of the Designated Accounts.
Subject to any Special Terms which we have agreed all per lot commissions will be charged at TTG's standard rates as per TTG's standard fee schedule (available on request), or such other rates as TTG may agree with you and be rebated back to agreed levels. You may also qualify for ‘an ‘Additional Rebate’ if any prerequisite volume is achieved (which we will agree from time to time).
Trading Losses
Subject to any Special Terms which we have agreed, you, including any corporate entity you utilise (and each of its Beneficial Owners) hereby acknowledge that you shall be solely, or in the case of joint accounts joint and severally liable to TTG for all and any trading losses arising on the Designated Accounts ("Trading Losses"). You and any other joint account holder agree to personally indemnify TTG against all such Trading Losses regardless of the fact that a corporate vehicle (whether or not controlled by you) may be the operator of the Designated Accounts.
The Firm is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) and completion of any agreement with a TTG Trader is conditional upon the Firm being satisfied that it may certify you as a proprietary trader and register you as such on the Firm’s register at the FCA.
The Firm is ultimately accountable to the FCA and any other regulator or exchange for your actions carried out pursuant to this Agreement. From a regulatory perspective section 63(E) Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) requires that any authorised firm must take reasonable care to ensure that no employee* of its performs a specified function under an arrangement entered into by the Firm in relation to the carrying on by the Firm of a regulated activity, unless the employee has a valid certificate issued by the Firm under section 63F.
The Firm may withdraw your certification as a proprietary trader at any time in its absolute discretion in which case this Agreement will terminate forthwith and all Designated Accounts shall be suspended or terminated.
*the FSMA definition of employee also covers a contract for services where such person is under the supervision, direction or control of an authorised firm.
Regulatory and Exchange Investigations, Fines and Sanctions
You and any other joint account holder agree to indemnify TTG against all and any fines and related legal costs TTG may incur that may be imposed or otherwise levied as a result of your conduct by the (i) FCA, any Clearer, or any other regulator in the UK or any other jurisdiction that is entitled to impose such a fine or sanction on you or TTG, including without limitation the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) and The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany; (ii) any trading exchange that may impose a fine or sanction against you and/or TTG as a result of your conduct (in each case whether against you personally or not i.e. regardless of the fact that a corporate vehicle (whether or not controlled by you) may be the operator of the Designated Accounts; (iii) any other government, federal or local agency with standing to impose any such fine on you and/or TTG in relation to your trading activity and conduct; and (iv) any Clearer (together “Regulatory Fine”).
You agree to fully cooperate with all enquiries into your trading activities, whether instigated by TTG, any TTG Clearer, or where such enquiry originates from any regulator such as the FCA, the SEC or CFTC (“Enquiry”). Your cooperation shall extend to handing over all personal phone records and personal emails and other forms of electronic communication where such may be relevant to any enquiry.
In addition, you agree that TTG may in its absolute discretion suspend any and all Designated Accounts, including freezing funds associated with them (in part or in whole) whilst any Enquiry remains open or otherwise on-going and furthermore that any and all funds in your Designated Accounts may be applied by TTG in satisfaction of a Regulatory Fine, including without limitation following the closure of any Designated Account, or service of notice relating to the proposed closure of a Designated Account.
Trader Money and Pooling
In entering into this Agreement, you (and any corporate entity you utilise) have agreed that all funds transferred by you (or any corporate entity you utilise) to TTG shall be transferred by way of full title transfer (legally and beneficially), meaning that all such funds are legally and beneficially owned by TTG. Thereafter any accrued profits in the Designated Accounts shall also be subject to title transfer and all be legally and beneficially owned by TTG.
TTG does not have clients, in entering this Agreement you acknowledge and confirm that you are not a client of TTG. Consequently, funds received by TTG from you (or any corporate entity you utilise) and thereafter any accrued profits in the Designated Accounts shall not be held as, or treated as "Client Money" in accordance with Client Money Rules and will not be subject to the protections conferred by those rules. You (and any corporate entity you utilise) agree to the outright title transfer of funds and thereafter accrued profits to TTG to be applied against the Designated Accounts with TTG owing a corresponding debt to you of any positive balance within the Designated Accounts, which subject to the terms herein you are entitled to request of TTG to be draw down.
As a consequence, all funds (nor for the avoidance of doubt any funds transferred to TTG by any corporate entity you utilise), but subject to any Special Terms agreed between us, will not be segregated in accordance with Client Money Rules from TTG’s money and will be pooled by TTG with other funds in the ordinary course of business. Any positive sums reflected in the Designated Accounts of all TTG’s traders are for accounting purposes treated as unsecured creditors. In the event of TTG’s insolvency you (and any corporate entity you utilise) shall rank as an ordinary creditor.
Subject to complying with the terms herein you may make requests of TTG to draw down funds from the Designated Accounts. Provided TTG is satisfied that there are sufficient funds available to meet such request, and also with your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the draw down request will be paid to the relevant designated bank account no later than the day following the sanctioning by TTG of any draw down request.
TTG may serve notice on you (and any corporate entity you utilise) to terminate this Agreement (i) at any time in the event you (or any corporate entity you utilise) has breached any term of this Agreement, or (ii) subject to the Special Terms between us, on thirty days’ notice ("TTG Termination"). Upon TTG Termination you (and any corporate entity you utilise) shall be liable to refund to TTG any monies outstanding to TTG, including without limitation any fees outstanding to TTG pursuant to this Agreement and you and/or the other Beneficial Owners shall immediately refund to TTG any Trading Losses.
Following the expiry of any minimum fixed term TTG has agreed with you, you may serve notice on the first working day of any given month to TTG so as to terminate this Agreement on one months’ notice ("Your Termination"). Upon Your Termination you (or any corporate entity you utilise) and/or the Beneficial Owners shall be liable to refund to TTG any monies outstanding to TTG, including without limitation any fees outstanding to TTG pursuant to this Agreement and you (and any corporate entity you utilise) and/or the Beneficial Owners shall immediately refund TTG any Trading Losses. You also acknowledge and agree that if at the time of Your Termination any Enquiry remains open or otherwise on-going TTG may in its absolute discretion withhold any funds remaining in your Designated Accounts (in part or in whole) pending the outcome of the Enquiry and furthermore that any and all funds in your Designated Accounts may be applied by TTG in satisfaction of a Regulatory Fine post Your Termination.
Trader Self-Employed Status
During the period of this Agreement you shall be an independent self-employed trader. You understand and agree that you are not and at no point shall be an employee of TTG, HMRC define employee as someone who works under an employment contract. You work under a bespoke contract of service.
The Firm controls all regulated activity conducted in its name, including all trading associated with the Designated Accounts, but otherwise does not stipulate fixed working hours for any trader, nor provide a salary to traders, or other benefits that would be typical of an employer/employee relationship.
The arrangements provided for in these terms shall not constitute a partnership between you (or any corporate entity you utilise) and TTG. You (and any corporate entity you utilise) will be responsible for paying (and will indemnify TTG against) any tax, National Insurance and/or any other liabilities related to matters of an employment nature which may arise or become payable in relation to you personally as a result of the arrangements contemplated by this Agreement or from your (or any corporate entity you utilise) trading activities during the course of this Agreement.
You understand that we will need to notify you of and request cooperation with any necessary compliance matters in order to safeguard the interests of TTG’s business and for the benefit of all traders. TTG requires all its traders to review its trader compliance manual and also to comply with all associated policies issued by TTG from time to time.
In addition all traders must complete any training modules issued by TTG so as to demonstrate compliance with all applicable rules and regulation, including without limitation the conduct rules of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime which came into force on 9th December 2019.
You acknowledge and agree that the Firm may in its absolute discretion vary these standard terms and conditions at any time, with any new terms being circulated to TTG Traders but not requiring their consent to any such changes.
You agree that TTG may assign the terms of this contract to any third party including any other TTG group company.
Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law.
Clearer means any of Marex Financial Limited, ABN AMRO Clearing, GH Financials or such other clearer as TTG may appoint from time to time.
Clearing Agreement means the agreement between TTG and the Clearer as amended from time to time.
Corporate entity means any limited liability company, limited liability partnership, sole trader, partnership or other form of corporate vehicle and whether incorporated in the UK or overseas.
Designated Accounts means the account(s) opened by and in the name of TTG with Clearer and which –via authorised grant or power of attorney- you (and any corporate entity you utilise) may be authorised to trade.
Registered Trader means a trader notified by us to Clearer as being authorised to trade a Designated Account on TTG’s behalf with Clearer.
Special Terms means such special terms (if any) as we may agree in writing and which if in place shall prevail over the RGA in the event of any inconsistency over commercial terms.
You or you, means the personal recipient of these terms and/or any person authorised to bind any corporate entity utilised or that is associated with your Designated Accounts.
Your ongoing and future provision of services toTTG and continuing utilisation of TTG’sservices will amount to your acceptance of these terms.